Monday 13 April 2009


Tractor in construction process

Having thoroughly researched chicken accomodation possibilities, the Man and I settled on an A frame chicken tractor. Not only did they look super cute in all the photos we saw, but they seemed reasonably easy to construct and would hopefully allow the chooks to 'mow' the lawn (saving me from clipping it with hedge shears - don't ask).
Now, although it riles my inner feminist soul, I have never had much of an interest in constuction and so I left the building of the tractor to my far more skilled and enthusiastic Man. I was relegated to wearing a pink frilly apron, bringing down cool lemonade and making suitable cooing noises.

The final result was fantastic. There is plenty of room for Lady Cluck and Mrs Dumb Pluck to wander about downstairs on days when we forget to let them out to free range and the attic is as cosy as they could desire - three little nesting boxes filled with soft wood shavings.

TView of Attic, sans wood-shavings

The wood shavings were a point of contention with the pre-pubesent salesman who assisted us at the produce store. He insisted that it was the best, cleanest, easiest, most lice free bedding for the chooks, and I am in no position to refute this. The obvious downside is that wood-shaving usually come from wood! I am not particularly happy about supporting the woodchip industry unnecessarily. Wood-shavings are also a wee bit complicated on the compost front - at least compared with straw (the other major bedding option). There is a risk that if the shavings are too small they, like saw-dust, will become too compact in the compost and not aerate properly when turned. I will also have to ensure I actually compost the shavings, rather than just chucking it on the garden as a mulch. According to the old wives, uncomposted shavings can 'steal' nitrogen from the soil.
We'll see.

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